Friday, July 17, 2015

Mow Day

Today was a mow day. It's difficult to mow around all the container plants. Mostly I just do what I can without moving anything, and then I can trim closer every few months w/ the weed-eater or pull weeds/grass by hand if I really need to.

The Queen caterpillar continues to enjoy the milkweed.  I'm not sure what stage it's at in its development... it's about 1.25 or 1.5 inches long.

The native Scarlet Hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus) that I bought from Native Nurseries a few months ago has one bloom bud.  I'm eager to see the plant bloom, as I've seen them in bloom at the nursery.  It's currently in a fair-sized pot, but I could see up-potting or maybe planting it at some point. I worry about it having enough water in the native soil.

Here's what I picked in the garden today:
Thai long beans, tomatoes, bell pepper, Serrano peppers, parsley, Vietnamese cilantro.

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