Sunday, October 25, 2015

Farm Tour, etc

Farm Tour was yesterday, and I visited a few farms in the Madison area. It's always neat to see how different farms do the same thing in different ways. Some have a lot more resources/capital, but the savviness and creativity of others tend to make them pretty equal. Anyway, the lettuces and brassicas look good at all the farms right now. Cooler weather should help soon.

All my native plants are suffering from lack of water now. I am hand watering just enough to hopefully keep them alive. Rain is expected in a day or two. My area is at about a 12 inch rain deficit for the year.

The garden is doing fine so far except i think some of the spinach didn't make it, and the last two candy roaster squash vines I planted by the porch died. It was only a matter of time since they were showing signs of wilt/borers.

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