Sunday, February 7, 2016

Potatoes, Carrots, Onions

The seed potatoes that I cut apart were cured, so I went ahead and planted all the potatoes today.  I bought three varieties from Native Nurseries this year (Red Pontiac, Red La Soda, Yukon Gold) and added two Bloem potato pots and a 5 gallon bucket with a split bottom to the Geopot potato grow sack from last year.

I also cleaned out the metal tub that the autumn carrots were growing in.  I got tons of carrots! The problem is that they are one-nibble carrots, so they will be dog snacks and a veggie stock ingredient.  I had a few larger carrots that I picked already, but I believe the largest was only 3-4 inches.

Being a glutton for punishment, I seeded that tub back with Nantes carrots for the spring (hopefully it's not too late)!  Back to the soil, I added some extra bone meal, organic fertilizer, and watered with some phosphorus fertilizer.  I'm obviously aiming for more root growth here.

I visited Gramling's for the first time, and they had onion starts (white, yellow, and red), so I planted a ring of those around the perimeter of the tub. That seems to help keep pests off the carrots, and they are nice companion plants.

I also planted about 16 onions in one of the square planters I had (lettuce was previously in it).

There's no sign of the sugar snap peas yet.  We had a lot of rain last week, but I'm hoping the sunshine this week encourages them to pop up.  It's going to get down to freezing again, but I think the new plantings will be safe.  We'll see.

I ordered some seeds from Baker Creek. Despite wanting to mainly use transplants, my desired plant varieties are rather specific.  I'm sure I will buy some transplants, but I did need direct seeding varieties as well, so I found myself buying a few tomatoes, the Goat Horn pepper I wanted to try, eggplant, and some companion flowers.  I need to get the tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant started this week, and possibly some of the flowers.

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