Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Peppers & Eggplants

Planted today in the southern (left) raised bed: Rosa Bianca Eggplant, Listada de Gandia Eggplant, Serrano Pepper, Ace (Bell) Pepper, Jalapeno Pepper, Poblano Pepper.  Unfortunately, the bed has been completely taken over by fire ants, so I guess we'll see what happens.

There are 3 spots left in that bed (onions in 1 of those spots right now).  I will probably plant my seedling peppers there once they get big enough (Purple Beauty Bell, Goat Horn, Jimmy Nardello).

The north (right) raised bed will probably be used for beans and possibly some of the extra tomato seedlings I have.

Cucumbers will eventually be planted in the elevated planter being used by sugar snap peas right now.

I still have 3 bag containers to use. I may get a few more eggplants.

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