Friday, June 3, 2016


The garden is doing fairly well.  A couple of the tomatoes fell partly over from the weight of the fruit, so I had to re-tie them.  It's been a battle to keep everything watered, so I set up the timed sprinklers again.  Not the best solution since it sprays lots of the foliage with water, but it's easier.

That eggplant.

 Today, I added straw mulch to the raised bed beans and installed the trellis for the long beans.  I need to string up some support for the dragon tongue beans in there, too.

The native hibiscus is really going to put on a show soon. I've counted 8 bloom buds... 5 on this stem and 3 on a smaller one not shown.  Last year I had 3 blooms and one got bent over before it could open.

There's a caterpillar (probably moth) nibbling the hibiscus' leaves that I need to identify. 

I also found the first cucumber for harvest on the vines. It was pretty hidden and was large enough that I should have noticed it sooner, but it was the perfect size when I discovered it.  No harm done.  I'll have to keep a closer eye on them since they are going to hang down below the netting.

I had some more beans, a few carrots from the market, and garlic from my dad, so I made another pint of quick pickled veggies with the cucumber.  I added two Serranos that seem pretty spicy this early in the season. 

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