Thursday, July 28, 2016

State of the Garden

It's been hot, hot, hot.  Most of the garden isn't doing well.

The tomatoes are done except for a few fruits and some blooms up top. I haven't been watering them, and although they get an afternoon shower most days, it's not helping with the heat. 

The beans have just been tortured by wave after wave of aphids. To the point where I don't like beans enough to keep up the battle. Seriously, ridiculous amounts of aphids. I have sprayed and smeared their dead little bodies off my bean plants over and over and over.

The eggplants and peppers are perking up a bit with the rain.  They are putting out a new wave of blooms, and some are fruiting.  I hope the blooms on the goat pepper produce.

The water-loving herb garden has become a forest of basil blooms. They are feeding the pollinators, a worthier cause than feeding me.

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