Thursday, September 17, 2015


I am trying some fabric over the collards, cabbage, and broccoli for now. The goal is to keep them a bit cooler and shadier, if that will work.  They aren't hardy enough to withstand 80s and 90s in full sun right now... larger seedlings might, or waiting to plant a little longer. I am waiting to plant a couple more cabbage and broccoli, as well as all the other greens/lettuces. I don't trust them until mid 80s are the predictable high.

The carrots are putting out their true leaves. I still have not thinned about half of them, but will do so soon. I planted 8 onions along the perimeter of the carrots, and I planted the 2nd round of carrots.  I also planted a couple of onions at the inside corner edges of the collards, and also more in one of the square feet.  So I have about 18-22 onions planted total.

I bought some seed packs today, too. Of them, I planted some Nasturtium and some radishes along part of the perimeter of the raised beds to act as insect magnets (bad insects munch them instead of other plants).  I'm keen on experimenting with companion plants, and these are things I wouldn't normally buy, so I won't miss them if it doesn't work out or if they get eaten.  I still may move some marigolds to the raised bed, too.

Below is a rough sketch of the beds plan. The only things planted so far are the Collards (I swapped the right-most position because of the okra plant), Onions, and the left and back right perimeter of radishes and nasturtiums.  I might be able to plant the rest at the end of Sept. or early Oct, depending on the temps.  I think I have enough seeds for that last row of perimeter plants on the right, too.

I have about 3 square feet of planting space left, so I bought some beets, kale, and more spinach to try.  The library seed packs only contain about 10 seeds, so I can't plant the 2 square feet I saved for the chard and spinach I already had.  I have plenty of Tatsoi seeds though.

Still need to clean out the pallet bed for lettuce, but lettuce is even farther away. I might think about it starting in October.

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