Friday, September 11, 2015

Putting It Off

I keep putting off final preps in the raised beds, including ripping out the beans. There's a wasp nest on the trellis, so I'm not looking forward to dealing with that.  I might try to dig up and transplant my okra plant into a pot. It never got a chance in the sun, but I am not sure it will be warm enough for long enough for it to produce at this point.

Still waiting for the hibiscus to perk up. I bought some pink swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) and cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) to share the pot with it, if there's room. 

Batch one of the carrots are all popping up.  I'll thin them and plant a second batch in about another week. Then two weeks after that, I'm planning to plant one more batch. 

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