Wednesday, April 27, 2016


I ripped out, prepped (added a bag of compost), and planted the last raised bed area today.  Three sqft areas are sown with Dragon Tongue Beans, and the other six sqft are 3 rows of Thai Purple Podded Yard Long Beans.  Once they start coming up, I'll add straw for mulch and add trellises.

The potatoes have not bloomed and are looking wilty some days.  I moved them to get a little more sun and have been watering them better.  Hopefully that will help.

The sugar snap peas are about done.  I will probably remove them and transplant the cucumber seedlings next week.  I did get a few meals out of the peas.  I would plant them again next year.

Recent Harvest:

Sugar Snap Peas, Thymes, Sage, Mints (drying now)
Coriander Seeds (drying now)
I'm excited about the coriander seeds. The plant bloomed constantly for the past few months, and I hated to pull it up today to have room for the beans, but it had quite a few seeds to save for either planting this winter or grinding as spice.

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