Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Final Tomatoes, Squash, Dragon Tongue Beans

I got the last of the tomatoes planted today (Jaune Flamme x2 and I put a couple of leftover Black Cherry tomatoes in a single container... I just didn't have anywhere else to put them), along with some zucchini and yellow squash.  To be honest, I am not putting much hope in the squash after what happened last year-- I fully expect the vine borers to get them even if I use Bt liberally.  But I am trying to grow them in a tomato cage to keep their foliage off of the soil surface and ground (mainly because I'm curious to see how that will do).  I also planted some Dragon Tongue beans around the tomato cage so they can use that as a trellis.  That way, even if the squash fail, those containers should produce some beans at least.

I still have to clean out the north raised bed.  There's a couple of sugar snap pea plants in there, and there are peas on it, so I want to let that produce first. I may just plant that entire bed with beans anyway.

I bought a bale of straw to put down as mulch on the raised beds.  The peppers and eggplants are doing well so far, but I can tell they get hot and dry rather quickly.  My goal is to get the south bed mulched this week.  I haven't decided if I want to plant the last 3 small pepper plants I grew from seed yet though or not.

I moved the dry herb garden next to the porch so it would get more light.  The angle of the sun and the oak trees leafing out was keeping them in the shade too much.  I also planted a couple more things in the wet herb garden: celery (which may not even last as it will probably be too hot for it) and lemon verbena.  I also potted a German Chamomile plant separately, and I'm looking to get some dill.

I've planted some (store-bought) zinnias in with a few tomatoes, and I bought some more marigold seeds and planted those in with some tomatoes, too.  The zinnias I grew from seed need planting soon.  I may add some to the south raised bed and pot the rest.  A few marigolds I started earlier also came up, so probably more to add to the tomatoes soon.

I bought a few more pollinator plants, including another red penta.  I bought a metal tub and turned it into a planter for yellow petunias, yellow & pink striped million bells, and pink purslane.  All three are trailing plants, so I think they will look good in the planter when they fill out better.  Not sure I have seen a yellow trailing petunia before!

Of course, I still want more petunias, if I can find any I like.

I haven't done anything with the pallet bed this season. I suppose I could clean it out and put in my seed-started zinnias there.  We'll see...

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